Tired of good solutions not improving performance?

It begins with our suite of performance consulting and analysis services. You will receive a Findings and Recommendations report to create learning and performance support solutions that align with your business objectives.

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A top-down view of a pit crew wearing red jumpsuits and red helmets changing tires on a race car.

Want your training project to be a winner? Start with an analysis.

It is often more efficient to use analysis to determine knowledge and competency requirements, gaps by function and role, and the “stickiness” of the learning solutions. In other words, what are the best practices are in place to support the application of the new knowledge and skills, and what are the existing roadblocks that may hinder their use?

The data gathered during analysis informs the design and development of a curriculum and its learning and performance support solutions, the project plan, and the staffing of the correct personnel. A thorough analysis allows us to complete the project in the shortest timeframe with the highest quality deliverables.

Clear Learning Outcomes

An important part of the analysis is to fully describe the target audience, including who they are, their roles, the length of time they've been in roles, how they learn, their preferred language, and the gaps in their knowledge and skills.

Based on the target audience information and expected business objectives, we create clear learning outcomes that define the knowledge and skills learners need to master. The desired outcomes drive learning solution design and the type of required practice activities. A successful result is almost guaranteed when practice activities are closely aligned with what’s expected of the learner on the job.


We take a holistic view during analysis to make recommendations that cover learning solutions and non-learning solutions. Often,  policies, procedures, and/or tools need to be implemented before the new knowledge and skills can be successfully applied in the work environment.

Robust Learning Outline

A curriculum or learning outline lists the required learning solutions and their prerequisites, the order in which the learner will encounter them, and how they flow from one to the next. An outline also shows the time a learner must spend on each learning objective to master it, including assessments, simulations, and reinforcement activities.

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Have questions? 
We have answers!

How much does an analysis cost?

Every project we scope is priced uniquely because every project is unique! Sign up for a free consultation call, and we'll quote you the cost for your project based on the specifics of your project.

If I don't need an analysis, can you go straight to developing the training materials?

Definitely! If we have all the information needed, we're happy to jump straight to the design and development of your learning solutions.

Does starting with an analysis make the project cost more?

While it may seem like analysis is an extra step, it can guarantee that your design and development phase will go faster. Projects that skip the analysis phase often have project scope changes as new information is discovered that analysis would have uncovered, costing you more and taking longer than anticipated.

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